Pure concrete is what the elevator will be made of. 175 jacks are currently in place with concrete to be poured starting August 22 and completed by August 26.
All at once the base will grow to 120' elevator. The concrete will dry fast and be poured in one step with the jacks and forms climbing the sky to reach the 120' mark.

A loop railway track has been built for ease in loading. It connects to the main track that goes along the hi-line. Farmers come in dump and exit, it is a straight shot in and out.
Currently a 40' high and 1000' long pile of grain sits outside awaiting the elevator as well as railway for shipping. The auger moves along the outside pile. Rain rolls off the grain. The floor of the pile is a layer of plastic sheeting on a slanted piece of ground for ease in the water draining away from the grain. Will the grain be hauled away before the first snow falls? Time will tell.
Currently a 40' high and 1000' long pile of grain sits outside awaiting the elevator as well as railway for shipping. The auger moves along the outside pile. Rain rolls off the grain. The floor of the pile is a layer of plastic sheeting on a slanted piece of ground for ease in the water draining away from the grain. Will the grain be hauled away before the first snow falls? Time will tell.

All this is taking place along the hi-line, just outside of Chester, Montana.
The grain harvest is going well up north and the elevator is taking all grain. Protein, yield and weight are all factors the elevator can deal with.